Don't fall over.... It really is me :) Things have been a whirlwind around here. That's an understatement but the best I could sum it up. When my laptop died and a lost most everything on it (Unit my wonderful savy-tech honey could save SOME of my most precious belongings) and was declared 'dead', it was decided that it must be replaced and we decided to go with a desktop... not a laptop. Ever since then my blogging has gone down the tube. I can't blog anymore laying in bed trying to keep one eye open at night, and I have to be in the office which keeps me away from the kids and their obvious tricks and stunts they pull when mom is not in sight! We have lots to catch up on (The good, the bad, the ugly with the kids, Mathis' 1st birthday party, Easter, Holdyn's 1st plane ride, the death of Holdyn's friend Evan, etc.) so let's see if we can get back on track here.
Holdyn is really enjoying his 2nd season of baseball. This year they are the 'rattlers'. He LOVES snakes and coach Pops picked out the name... just for HoHo! At his game last week they had just finished and he came to me and said "Mom, I am going to watch my girlfriend play" and he ran off. I knew his little friend McKayla was playing on the field next to us because I kept catching him off in dream land staring over there to see what she was doing. At one point DURING his game, I found him in HER dugout!! At the end of our game I heard someone say "Holdyn left his hat and glove in the middle of the field!" That is VERY out of character for Holdyn. He always makes sure he has everything back in his back and in order. Sure enough, he had dropped all of his gear on the field to go faster to watch McKayla play! He made us stay the entire time for an entire different game just to watch her! It was so cute.... and they are both #5!!
Here is McKayla. Her mommy and daddy are on our fishing team and we are good friends with them.
Recently, I have met another mom that has a little girl Holdyn's age. We live in the same neighborhood, and she called me asking for help when she was planning Evan's memorial service. Her daughter is in Kindergarten at the same school Holdyn goes to but they are not in the same class. They came over last weekend to drop something off and ended up staying until the wee hours of the morning playing. They had a BLAST! They have a younger little boy so Hadley got to play too and wasn't left out of all the fun. Her mom sent me a text message yesterday telling me the 'note' she found in Shelby's bookbag that she came home from school with. She said it had Holdyn's name on it and she was telling me how cute it was and she was dying to know did he write it. She sent me a picture of the front and back of the 'note':
Sure enough.... guess who's handwriting and drawing skills that is.... HOLDYN!! Usually he is VERY shy about stuff like this but I asked him when he got home yesterday and he was very proud. He said "YEP... that was ME! I wrote that while waiting in the bus line and put that on Shelby's desk when she wasn't at school yesterday!!" OMG I could have died! Here is Shelby playing with Hadley last weekend:
He must have a 'thing' for brunettes!!
When we were in Texas, he went to the playground and picked me an entire bouquet of flowers. How sweet is that?!!!
A couple a weeks ago I went to look at Hadley before I went to bed and this is what I found:
Ha! True princess right there! Dedication!
Hadley has already called me 4,830 times while I have been writing this and Robbie is working right next to we so I have to get up and run to her for every whimper so she won't come in here and bother him.... Another reason why the blog has taken a temporary back seat. I am used to being 'wireless' and not having to be connected and tied down to things. This will be an adjustment for all of us!!