
Lilypie Holdyn's Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Hadley's Third Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Peas it is!

And the winner is..... the peas!!

Baby sister was NOT a fan of the prunes!

Fire Dog

Holdyn and his fire dog sleep together every night. In the middle of the night on Friday, he came and woke me up and said " Mommy, I have to sleep with you tonight. Bay is mad at me!" Now why on earth would Bay EVER be mad at him?! It's not like she is rode on like a horse, her tail pulled, choked all day, or made to go outside every 15 minutes to fight another fire with the little fireman?! Poor Bay!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hunting for eggs

HoHo had his Easter party at school today. All of the little kids were so cute running around finding eggs on the playground. HoHo was more concerned about where the easter bunny was. After the egg hunt, all the kids went inside for cupcakes, apples, cheese, and lemonade. His teacher, Ms. Mary, asked me have we noticed how fixated Holdyn gets on one certain thing and cannot focus on anything else until that one thing is found or resolved. I told her yes!! He is very much like his daddy and has many OCD tendencies and traits! At least other people are reckognizing this also! He has to have things in his room in a certain place before he goes to bed. The firetrucks front wheels have to be touching the fire house and it has a specific direction it has to be facing, etc. Ms. Mary also asked me did we not allow Holdyn to have a lot of sweets at home. She said that whenever they have sweets he devours them so fast like he is never allowed to have anything sweet ever! I told her not to worry, that he has plenty of sweets at home! He was probably just afraid that someone was going to take it from him so he ate the sweets as fast as he could! He is on spring break next week so wish me and baby sister luck! Hopefully we will find lots of fun things to do like Monkey Joes, Chuck E Cheese, soft play, and feeding the ducks at the park!

Holdyn (far right) with his class and teacher Mary and teacher Lisa. As you can tell, he could have cared less about taking a class photo. He was more interested to see what goodies he got in his eggs!

Baby sister got to go to the party, too!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


What genius would try to smuggle 2 birds taped to their legs on an airplane?!

Easter Bunny

I took the kids to go see the Easter Bunny yesterday. Holdyn put the breaks on as soon as we got there and refused to go any closer proclaiming " That bunny is wayyyyy too big!!" He had the photo people laughing. I drug him over there and convinced him to tell the Easter bunny about how he is a real fireman. He began to tell the Easter bunny he needed a fire ax and a fire extinguisher. I convinced him to sit next to the bunny and smile like a big fireman. He was less than thrilled but atleast it was better than last years red faced, runny nosed, arms flying, legs kicking, ear drum shattering photo from last year! Baby sister, as always, was just along for the ride and just sat there with her cute chubby cheeks!

After seeing the Easter bunny, Holdyn wanted to go play on the ride on vehicles. He climed in the helicopter, pointed to the sky and said " I have to go pick up my daddy wayyyy up there!" When Robbie travels, we just tell Holdyn that daddy is on the airplane. It's much eaiser for him to understand that rather than explain to him exactly what daddy is doing. He knew that helicopter could take him way up to the sky so he could get his daddy out of the airplane to come back home!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The sound of silence is usually NOT a good thing in the Udinsky household (unless the kids are asleep of course). Holdyn talks to me from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed so when I noticed it was silent yesterday, I knew he was up to no good. I went to his room and found him 'building' a new firehouse out of.... his french toast stick box. He got the box out of the freezer, dumped all of the french toast sticks out, got the scissors and tape and was quietly sitting on his floor cutting out doors, windows, and attempting to wrap tape around the box (We will have new tape before you get home, daddy :D ) . I asked him what in the world he was doing and he said " I am just making a new house for my firemen mommy!!" He was so proud of his creation.

Giving Bay a hug before going to school this morning

Baby sister always happy as can be!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

MooMa and DooDa are celebrating their Anniversary today!! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day! Holdyn and Hadley have the best MooMa and Dooda any two little kids could ask for!

Pancake Breakfast

MooMa's school had a pancake breakfast this morning. We took the kiddos over to Applebees and had pancakes and sausage. Yes, Applebees makes pancakes too! Holdyn looks so sad but little did we know he had a 101 fever! Hoping its just a cold/allergy thing since after some meds and a nap he seemed to perk up.

Don't think Hadley liked the pancakes very much!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Luck of the Irish

Holdyn had a great time at the St. Patricks Day parade yesterday. He had to wait a good 2 hours for it to start so about 30 minutes into the parade, he was done and ready to go! He held out till the end just to see all of the firefighters and firetrucks! He also fell sound asleep on the front row during the middle of the parade. He is still not fully adjusted to this time change and someone *cough* Pops *cough* set off the house alarm at 6a.m. so Holdyn got an earlier start to the day than normal! Baby sister stayed with MooMa and DooDa so we didn't have to take her out there in that cold and rain.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bird Watcher

Holdyn was outside looking for birds with his "noculars" that Auntie gave him. He walked outside and said, " I am a bird watcher! Come on bird dog!"

Gotta love a bird watcher with their belly hanging out!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

PawPaw told me...

Holdyn got a new cement truck from PawPaw and GiGi. It actually works and makes 'cement' if you put sand and water in it, however, Holdyn wanted to play with this inside so we didn't tell him that it could really work. He played with it inside for a good 2 weeks then out of the blue one day he brought it to me and told me he needed to take it outside and put water and dirt in it because he needed to make cement. Knowing Holdyn, if I let him do this, then he would want to bring it back inside filled with water and mud! I don't think so! Instead, I explained to him that it was a pretend cement mixer and we couldn't put water in it. He looked at me like I had 2 heads and 4 eyeballs. He said " Well, PawPaw told me you put the water right here!!!" As he was telling me this, he was pointing to where you actually were supposed to put the water in it! I think PawPaw and I need to have a little talk! Thankfully, Holdyn has agreed that the cement mixer is an outside toy now and he can put as much water and dirt in it as his little heart desires.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fire! Fire!

DooDa knew just who to call when he had a fire in his yard!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3 months old

Look who is 3 months old! Baby sister is over her sinus infection and is still the happiest baby ever!


1 month

2 months

3 months

Poor Joe

I don't think Fireman Joe knows what he has gotten himself in to. Poor thing asked for Tiffanys hand in marriage last night. I hope he is prepared for a lifetime of frozen dinners, or eating out for every meal. Tiffany is superb at burning even water! I once found a cookbook that was titled "How to Boil Water". I kick myself everyday for not buying that. In honor of the engagement, I decided to show you a picture of Tiffany and her favorite brother-in-law. You can really see the true love there, can't you?!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Greetings from Switzerland and Italy!

Great Granddaddy and Sissy just got back from Switzerland and Italy. Holdyn was very excited when he got a package in the mail! Both kids got hats from Switzerland and sponge bob belt buckles from italy! Holdyn was pretty excited and baby sister was just a long for the ride!

Holdyn said he could wear his hat under his fire helmet so it could help keep his head warm while fighting a fire!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A day in the life of Holdyn

This morning, Holdyn came to me and asked to take his temperature. He loves playing with the thermometer so I went and got it for him. He prentended to take his temperature and he announced " I am going to live, mommy!!"

This afternoon he grabbed Baily and said " Take my picture with my firedog!" They make a great team! Poor Baily puts up with a lot from him forcing her to fight fires with him 24/7.

He also walked up to me this afternoon and said, " What's up, mommy?" I don't know where he comes up with some of the stuff he says but he keeps me laughing!

Baby sister is feeling a little better but not out of the woods yet. Still a little raspy and congested. The humidifier is her new best friend right now and is making a world of difference in her breathing. I will get some pictures up of her this weekend for her 3 month birthday! I have been trying to leave her alone and not chase her with the camera.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Snuggle Bunnies

HoHo loves to snuggle. He says, "Come nuggle with me!" How cute are they?!

Holdyn has a new fascination with the camera. He knows where I keep my camera and he will sneak in the office and get it because he knows I won't let him. Several times Robbie and I have been downstairs and we hear Holdyn upstairs say " Say Cheese!!" and then we see a bright flash! You should see the pictures he takes. It cracks me up to sit there and scroll through them. He photographs his toys, pictures on the wall, his baby sister, and his firedog, Baily. Last week while scrolling through his latest batch of award wining photographs, I stumbled upon one that I just had to share.

Seriously, how can you get mad at a face like that?! He did a pretty good job getting it centered and everything! I think we might have a future photographer firefighter on our hands. One of a kind combonation to fit his one of a kind personality!

Baby sister is battling a sinus infection right now. She has had a cough/cold/congestion for about 2 weeks and she was getting worse instead of better so I took her up to the peditrician this morning. The doctor said his theory was if the symptoms still lingered after 10 days you needed to go to plan B. Well we were right at about 13 days of trying to battle it with the cough/cold medicine which was only helping a little. His plan B is to put her on an antibiotic and to up the dosage of the cough/cold medicine. Poor thing sounds so raspy when she is breathing and has a barking cough. Even though she sounds crummy, she is still the happiest baby ever! She is having a hard time settling down tonight. She is all stopped up and can't breathe out of her nose so she keeps having to spit out her paci to breathe which makes her mad cause she wants that paci! Needless to say, momma hen is up watching her baby very closely! Hopefully this antibiotic will kick in by tomorrow and she will be back to feeling better! She was 12lbs 3oz today.