
Lilypie Holdyn's Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Hadley's Third Birthday ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pure Sweetness

We are almost unpacked at the Udinsky household.... except hanging pictures on the walls and the playroom. I really have just thrown everything in there and now I need to go and organize it! Mom is going to come over one night and help me tackle that. Other than that, I would have to say we are settled and we are LOVING our new home! The kids love the pool. We ride the golf cart and there are three pools. 2 of them are the perfect size for the kids. Hadley can touch in one and Holdyn can touch in the other and they are literally connected and right next to each other!

When Hadley gets sleepy she climbs in her baby bouncer.... yes, she STILL uses a bouncer!!, and she will drink her juice and rub her lovie lamb across her face. If she is really grumpy we can lay her in it with the same things and she just needs a few minutes of that comfort then she is fine!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Urgent Care 101

For the first time ever we all accidentally slept in this morning. I never set an alarm because Holdyn is like an alarm clock himself and wakes me up every day at 7:30 on the dot. Today he got up at 6. I almost died. We let Bay out to go potty and I tucked them both back in bed hoping he would go back to sleep. I told him if he wasn't tired, he could get up and play in his room but to be quiet (he does this often but always wakes me up 15 minutes later or so). Well I guess he and Bay fell back to sleep because he came and woke me up at 9:15!! I thought I was seeing things when I looked at the clock because we have to leave the house by 8:15 to get Holdyn to school on time. I ran in the kitchen to look at the clock on the microwave because I just KNEW we did not oversleep because that NEVER happens! Well believe it or not, the clock was right. The school asks you not come late because it disrupts the class, which I totally understand, so Holdyn had his first day ever of playing Hookie from school 'just because'. About that time, a truck full of men pulled up to install our new fence. Well I knew Holdyn would LOVE watching them so I thought 'well I guess this was the perfect day to skip school, if we ever did!' He got to go outside and watch them use all of their machinery. He was in awe! He told me he was going to go outside and climb a tree to watch the men. As he walked out the door I said "put your shoes on!" Now do you think Holdyn listened?! Of course not! He is 4 and a half and knows SO much more than I do! He obviously didn't put shoes on and came back inside limping about 15 minutes later screaming that he had a splinter in his foot. I am thinking a small tiny splinter that I can pull out with some tweezers. I told him to sit down and let me look at it. I pulled his foot up and holy moly there was something way down in the heel of his foot that was HUGE. He wouldn't let me get near it it hurt so bad but there was nothing even sticking out that I could have gotten tweezers to be able to pull it out. He told me it was 'just a cut' but it was obvious it was a foreign object. I called my neighbor over to look at it also for a second opinion. She agreed it was very deep and there was NO way we could get it out ourselves. I called his peditrican and they gave him an appointment for FIVE hours later.... yes 5!!! I kinda went off on the lady and she said " Well just give him some tylenol and let him watch a movie and try to keep him still." Ummm seriously?! He is 4!!! He was in severe pain and you want him to wait FIVE hours!! I was SO mad. Looks like we will be switching back to our Savannah doctor. My neighbor is friends with the doctor that just opened an urgent care walk in clinic in town. She called his cell phone to make sure they took my insurance. Thank goodness they did! We both threw on clothes and off we went. They took us right back and they were soooo nice! They gave him a shot in the foot to numb it up (poor baby!! That was the worst part ever!) I held his upper body down while another nurse held his legs down. The doctor tried to pull it out with tweezers and she couldn't even get it out so they had to use a scaple and cut it open to get it all out. She said there was NO way we could have gotten it out ourselves. She found 3 small pieces of metal fragment and a large piece of a wood splinter. She even put it in a vile and let him bring it home! He plans on taking it to school tomorrow to show his friends and tell them why it's important to wear shoes outside!

This was after the numbing shot. They were giving it time to take effect and in the mean time, they gave Holdyn a blue popsicle! He was in love! He even got to get ice cream sandwiches and superhero popsicles from the grocery store on the way home while we waited on his prescriptions to be filled. If you look closesly, you can see a large white area on his foot. that is the 'numbing shot stuff'. I didn't know it changed your body colors! How cool is that! He finished his popsicle and they cut it open and had to dig deep but they got it all out and he didn't feel a thing! He was such a trooper!

Lesson learned: Never sleep late and get your children to school on time and never let them play hookie. If he would have been at school, this would have never happened!!!

Here is what it looked like right before we left the house. It doesn't look too big by the picture but it was HUGE in person! This is RIGHT after it happened and his heel had already started turning red and started to swell immediately. I knew that wasn't a good sign!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Busy unpacking!

We are STILL unpacking... after 6 years of marriage and 2 kids, you don't realize how much you acquire! This move has been completely different than our move to Atlanta right after we got married and it was just us! To tide you over....

I love how Hadley's monogram turned out! I have an antiqued frame to hang around it but I am still searching for where I packed the hardware so I can hang it!

Safety first!! Hadley has a carseat in the golf cart!!! The kids are LOVING going on rides in our new neighborhood!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's that time.....

We are all trying to get some rest before our big move on Tuesday!! We are so excited!! Hadley rarely sleeps in the car. She has to be stretched out in her crib! How cute is she?!
 Daddy going night night on his sponge bob pillow! He is so silly!
 We will be back after we get settled!! We close on Tuesday so hopefully our internet will but up soon after that!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

First day of Pre-K!

I have been a blog slacker lately. With the illness of PawPaw then following death, we have been busy making arrangements and spending time with family. My photo card also wouldn't work so I had to wait until Mr. Wonderful had time to fix it! Holdyn started Pre-K on Thursday in Richmond Hill. He is going to a private school and LOVES his teacher. He ran in on the 2nd day and wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big squeeze! We are thrilled he has adjusted so well. He loves staying for lunch bunch because he gets "extra play time!"

He wanted to wear his cars shirt and his Lightning McQueen shoes on the first day to show his teacher. He said she loved them ;)
                                               1st Day of Pre-K... watch out!!

Robbie told me that when he was a little boy, his mommy used to take him out to breakfast on the first day of school. For Robbie to 'mention' a memory, it must have been a big deal!! I decided that it would be cute if we continued the tradition and take the kids to breakfast on the morning on their first day of school. Holdyn had a good breakfast of pancakes and hash browns! He is growing up so fast!

Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011

My 2 favorites quotes in the whole world:
" Let's go over the BIG bridge to see PawPaw"
"PawPaw will take me on a golf cart ride!"

This was their last golf cart ride together....
We are so glad PawPaw is free from all pain but we are going to miss him so much. I've got to tell Holdyn tomorrow. I don't know how I will put it in to words for a 4 year olds point of view. We love you PawPaw.