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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fishy Heart Attack

Yes, it is very possible for a 3 year old to cause his young 26 year old mother to almost have a severe heart attack. Almost. I was hanging up laundry and he comes to my room to say he wanted to take his goldfish to school tomorrow. Out of the corner of my eye I see him holding something. My heart stopped. Holdyn saying he was taking his fish to school + him having something in his hand = not a good combo! He got a baggie, filled it with water, and caught one of his goldfish and put that poor thing in the baggie to haul off to school....tomorrow!! It was 'Rob' the goldfish if you were curious which one he had chosen! I bet poor Rob was about to have a heart attack also! My pulse and blood pressure are still a little high at the moment. Momma needs a vacation from this wild and crazy little workerman!  

Sweet baby sister has cut her first tooth! If you look real closely, you might be able to see it on the front bottom left. It's just really sharp right now as just a point of it has broken through the gum. I'm sure in the next few days we will be able to see more of it! Poor thing was up several times Saturday night in pain from teething. A few teething tablets and she is feeling much better! She is ready for a T-bone steak now!

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