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Monday, November 28, 2011

5 years ago.............

I am a basket case today for several reasons. It has just been a flat out bad rotten no good day. Maybe I should go back to bed and just start over. I have cried so much today I might as well cry some more and be sappy remember what I was doing today 5 years ago...................
At least my house was all decorated for Christmas then. I have to get to finishing that today! I know birthdays are a happy time but for some reason (damn hormones!) it is very depressing to be the day before and the day of my kids birthdays. So you know what that means.... Someone special turns 5 tomorrow!!! Let me go have my pitty party and tomorrow I will be back with a big 5 year old to show you! You wouldn't believe all the new things he tells me he will now be able to do since he will be turning 5!

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