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Sunday, August 26, 2012

In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye, things can change. Your world can change.... sometimes for the best, sometimes for the worst. You never know what is going to happen in the next second, minute, hour, day, week, month, or year. In our case, it has been a week. Exactly one week ago I took this picture on Sunday night:
I had no idea the very next morning would be the begining of an entire week long of uncertainty and a roller coaster of emotions and multiple unexpected moments. I am so glad I took this picture. It was right before I went to bed. I always go and check on both kids before I go to bed every night. I have 10 million pictures of Holdyn and Baily and don't always go get the camera and take a picture when they are together, but I think I remember telling myself to go and take the picture cause Bay was sleeping on one of Holdyn's pillows and I knew showing him that the next morning would make him laugh.

Tonight Holdyn asked me if he could sleep with Baily's bed. It is what Baily slept on every night at home and in the doggie hospital and it is what she was wrapped in when she passed away. I will never get rid of it. I will eventually take the shell and fold it in a box in the attic. When we brought it home on Friday night, I immediately put it in the washer from all the germs at the vet. It came out of the dryer this morning, and tonight I was re-stuffing it with the bedding. I was going to leave it out this week to see if Hyres wanted to use it for the time being. Maybe that would keep him from darting under my bed... just maybe! Holdyn saw me putting it back together and I guess that is why he asked for it.

Here we are a week later, and things aren't the same around here. Tonight on Sunday night, Holdyn's sleeping arrangements look a little different.... there is no Bay, but he has the comfort of Bay's bed!

Baily was the 'alpha' dog. She would go out the doggie door first when she had to go potty then Hyres was 'allowed' to go. Well now Hyres just stands on the porch. It's like he is waiting for Bay to come out and go out the door first so he can go out and go to the bathroom. I am having to walk outside with him and make him go. Hopefully he will get over this soon. He used to go to our bedroom alone around 9 everynight for bed. It was like he was going to a certain 'spot' to sleep and he wanted to get there before Baily did so he could have the first selection. He hasn't done that all week. He lays at my feet and waits until I go to bed then he walks with me. There is no one to 'steal' his favorite sleeping spot anymore.

Hyres is wanting to go to bed now, and since he won't go by himself anymore, he is laying here waiting for me. I don't know if he looks tired, sad, or a little of both. I guess it's time to go tuck him in bed also!

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